The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27261   Message #334434
Posted By: Troll
04-Nov-00 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
Subject: RE: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
And of course Gore, et al, have NEVER driven while they were drinking and so are above reproach.
I'll bet every one of us has something we wouldn't want our loved ones to find out about. Bush was found out and, to his credit, admitted it without trying to excuse or minimize it. That, to my way of thinking, takes courage. Should he have admitted it early on? Probably.
He has admitted to a drinking problem. Could he fall of the wagon? Of course. But whoever is elected could crack beneath the strain and START using drink or drugs to help them cope. The fact that he has been dry for years in the dog-eat-dog world of big business is a strong indicator that he WON'T crack.
Understand, I'm not voting for the man. I just want to see him get the fair shake that I would want for any recovering abuser.
