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Thread #142452   Message #3344380
Posted By: TheSnail
28-Apr-12 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
I used to know a chap called Ali Butt.


It is the position of most scientists at this time that combined evidence from all disciplines of science appears to indicate that evolution has occured and continues to occur.

"most scientists", "at this time", "appears to indicate". Not exactly a hugely confident statement is it? I think as you wrote you probably began to realise that things weren't quite that simple.

I think I've made most of my points above but this is getting interesting. In a way, the comparison Gravity/Theory of Gravity with Evolution/Theory of Evolution doesn't really work. Gravity is part of our everyday experience. Things fall on is, we fall off things we stay here on or near the surface of the Earth. There is no such direct observation of Evolution. What we observe are organisms. We can observe the similarities and differences between those alive today by looking at their physical structures and sequencing their DNA. We can look at the fossil record and see the changes over time. Evolution is more a human concept to explain how those changes and differences came about than an actual observable phenomenon of nature. As such it is, perhaps, more a part of the theory of evolution. Discuss.

1: do you find that statement acceptable, and appropriate to the nature of science?

It's OK in its general intention but rather vague and simplistic and, as I said, rather lacking in confidence.

2: do you think that propagating that statement would help substantially to combat the propagation of YEC ?

No. For the creationists themselves it would simply bounce off their armour. They are not susceptible to reason. For anyone else it is what Pete calls "argument from authority". Scientists say this so don't argue. I think any intelligent human being would rather be given some reasoned arguments and solid evidence.

Right. I really have got to get in some practice for this evening and tackle bucket loads of folk club admin.