The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3344870
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Apr-12 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Snail: Of course, if you do say a theory is untrue and you have good evidence to back up that claim, it ceases to be a theory.

But Steve says: Of course, if you do say a theory is true and you have good evidence to back up that claim, it ceases to be a theory.

But we scientific types are loath to make the transition from theory to truth. It goes against our instincts. But I repeat. Evolution occurs and that is incontrovertible. The accumulated evidence long ago went past the tipping point. These are the facts of the matter, however much you like to play with words instead of thinking. As long as I've taken all the evidence into account and used my reason to its maximum extent to interpret that evidence and reach an honest conclusion, I am not being dogmatic. Wrong word, wrong context. Now I'm fed up of this. No matter what I say you'll nitpick. Arguing with you is like pissing into a strong wind.