The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120764   Message #3345091
Posted By: VirginiaTam
30-Apr-12 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: Birthday Memoriam Andie-VTam's daughter
Subject: RE: Birthday Memoriam Andie-VTam's daughter
well I had a bit of a breakdown over Hilary's FB posts "I miss her so much" and "I feel like she took part of me with her." I am better now.

Instead of grieving I have been crying in excruciating chest and left arm pain since Friday evening. Went to A&E yesterday early am. BP, heart rate and EKG all normal. A&E doctor's guess it is due to very tender shoulder joint (RA) causing referred pain down arm and into neck. Trapped wind in upper abdomen and left chest. Probably gastritis from all the meds I am on.

Happened again this morning. Still feel pretty wretched. Trying to figure out how to get walker downstairs so I can go to doctor.