The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27261   Message #334522
Posted By: Troll
04-Nov-00 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
Subject: RE: BS: Dubbya, Gore and DUI
Clinton got caught and lied about it all the way up to impeachment. But thats OK 'cause he's a Democrat and a liberal.
For your information, McGrath, I do not approve of driving while drinking. I think that ANYONE caught DUI should lose his/her license FOREVER and if they are ever caught behind the wheel again-except in police verifiable life or death situations- should do a long stretch in jail.
There are all sorts of ways that Bush could have tried to down-play that DUI; his spin-doctors could have worked on it. But he didn't. He simply said that yes, it happened, he wasn't proud of it,he quit drinking and lets move on.
What would you like; sackcloth and ashes? That he drop out in remorse? Maybe there IS more to be disclosed. Don't you think Al Gore has a task force working on that right now?
Why can't everyone give the man the benefit of the doubt. He made a mistake. He paid what the law required. He has, to all reports, quit drinking. If there were more to be disclosed, I think it would have come out by now.
