The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3345700
Posted By: Stringsinger
01-May-12 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!

Scientific knowledge is a consensus of opinion by scientists, not theologians or anyone who doesn't have the scientific discipline and information. Any other "truth" is silly and hypothetical because there is no physical evidence to support it. Without this evidence,
there is no approximation of truth. Truth is a relative idea, there can be no absolute truth despite the propaganda offered by religious advocates. That "truth" is unsupportable by physical reality.

What scientists know about evolution is evolving itself. The study of the human brain helps to clarify the role of evolution in influencing how we think about such matters as religion, politics, or evolution. Behavioral studies show how the conditioning we have in our lives influences how we think about topics such as evolution. Because of the brain-changing doubling down of certain behavioral patterns which are based on a rigid authoritarian view of life, there can be no rational discussion about these issues until mankind evolves beyond this limitation. The discussion becomes not a vehicle for sharing information but a "King of the Mountain" approach that dismisses any idea not held by the arguing party.