The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27282   Message #334600
Posted By: Mrrzy
04-Nov-00 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: Abortion: Here we Go...
Subject: RE: Abortion: Here we Go...
Well, I'm glad I kept reading after it got nasty, because it certainly came back to a level of discussion. Which is nice to see. I'm chipping another few of my thoughts: Yes, I agree that there is a difference before and after quickening (my favorite term for "feeling the baby kick"). I also agree that there is a difference before and after viability (probability rather than possibility of survival outside the womb). And viability is getting closer and closer to quickening. So I can see arguments for limiting abortion to before one or the other of these milestones. I think it's easier to draw the line at birth because it is a less subjective transitional state.

I have been lucky enough only to have had one unwanted pregnancy, which (thank you, Lady Luck and/or Mother Nature!) ended in an early miscarriage. I am still, years later, glad I didn't have to decide what to do with that one.