The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144682   Message #3346570
Posted By: GUEST,pete from seven stars link
03-May-12 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka--Contd...
Subject: RE: BS: YEC Eureka--Contd...
dawkins said something about; evolution has been observed its just that there was no one there to see it.
im still maintaining that the past is not observable ;it can only be interpreted from the data.maybe thats what he meant but it aint the same thing-but its quite funny though!

agreed evolutionism is constantly changing but that hardly means that it is not a religio/philosophical position.the central doctrine of purely naturalistic causes is sacresanct.the hostility towards ID demonstates this IMO.AND THEY DONT EVEN INSIST on YEC .
in common with past and many present scientists YEC make no apology for seeing scripture as authoritive over scientific theories and under such beliefs science has flourished.
just as evolutionists have a non negotiable bottom line;so do creationists.but within the parameters of Gods revelation to us there is room for developing,changing or even discarding models relating to creation'flood etc.pete.