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Thread #144682   Message #3346636
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-May-12 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka--Contd...
Subject: RE: BS: YEC Eureka--Contd...
Steve is trying to redefine the scientific method.

Oh, fer chrissake. Somebody throw this man a fish.

Tia has it right. But anyone who says that the theory of evolution is full of gaps and inconsistencies simply doesn't get it. The evidence, true enough, has gaps, in line with most other areas of scientific endeavour I can think of. That is what keeps scientists going. The trouble with the naysayers is that when a gap is filled they don't see a filled gap. They see two gaps where once there was one. It's also worth pointing out that new evidence when it turns up never turns the theory on its head. My point is that we long ago passed the point when that became no longer possible - because of the sheer weight of evidence. Inconsistencies (or should we call them surprises?) do turn up but they are never weighty enough to challenge the general thrust of the theory. In general, they should not be seen as inconsistencies but as elucidations.

I'm making progress. Someone mentioned the fact of evolution and Snail didn't challenge it. Mebbe it's just me.