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Thread #144682   Message #3347279
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
05-May-12 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka--Contd...
Subject: RE: BS: YEC Eureka--Contd...
pete - you have been misled. Entirely misled.

In 1632, after publishing "Dialogues on the Two Chief World Systems", the Holy Office of the Inquisition ordered Galileo to Rome. Though gravely ill,Galileo made the journey, and in April 1633 he was charged (by the church) with heresy. The specific charge was that he was teaching and defending the Copernican Theory that the Sun is at the center of the universe with the Earth moving around it (which was counter to the doctrine of the church). This theory had been declared heretical (by the church) in 1616, and Copernicus' books had beeb placed (by the church) on its "Index of Prohibited Books".

Sorry, you are dead wromg. The *church* condemned Galileo for supporting the findings of other scientists.

Why else would Pope John Paul II have apologized 400 years later for the behaviour of *the church*?

Sorry just as much as I cannot let you misdefine science, I cannot let you revise history.