The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144738   Message #3347501
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
06-May-12 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome back Boris
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome back Boris
I vote Labour because the majority of the wealth in this country is in the hands of people who see no responsibility to the people who made this country what it is. At least people like Henry V111 spent money raising armies and defending the place.

But what do the present lot do? they just sit on inherited wealth and play the markets. They tried to run the factories with sixty and 70 year old track - didn't occurr to them to reinvest. Then when they started losing money - they blamed it all on the unions. Then when their industries folded they put it all in tax havens.

The tories are the allies of these over rich, over privileged bums.

labour has in part paid back the debt the country owed to the men who fought the wars by giving their kids a better life, free education, health care, better housing than was available pre-war.

Yets its a curates egg. Blair lied to us about WMDs. However the tories wanted us in that war as well. But if you're not absolutely stinking rich and you vote tory - youseem like a bit of a mug to me.

Having said that, I quite like the patrician style of Boris. It reminds me a bit of Macmillan who always used to sleep in a new suit, because he said new clothes looked 'inexpressibly vulgar'.