The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27321   Message #334810
Posted By: Mooh
04-Nov-00 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kendalls apology
Subject: RE: BS: Kendalls apology
Kendall, I laughed my butt off when I first read your original remark. It was a while before I even read it because I most often don't bother with the type of thread that I see as too much controversy for my patience. But I'm glad it wasn't me who said it, even if my sense of humour found it acceptable. I understand how it upset people, though I don't understand why it would be taken personally. Based on your history here, even I knew it was a wry, dark, ironic remark.

As someone once said of me, "You've got a size 20 mouth. Room for both nines and a bit to grow into.". LOL!

Peace. Mooh.