The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #3348435
Posted By: Ged Fox
08-May-12 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: RE: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Index: The Scout Song Book – edited Arthur Poyser
Pub. C. Arthur Pearson 1919
A man's a man for a' that
Auld lang syne
Bailiff's daughter of Islington
Ballad, a
Battle of Waterloo
Ben Battle
Be Prepared
Billy and me
Bonnet o' Blue
Bowmont Water
Boy from Ballytearim, the
Boys of Scotland
Buttered toast
Capital Ship, a
Captain Barnard's grenadier
Cawsand Bay
Chief, the
Christmas Eve
Compleat angler, the
Coridon's song
Day is coming
Dinas Vawr, the war song of
Drummer, the
Dumb dumb dumb
Een Gonyama chorus
Epping Hunt
Faithless Sally Brown
Farmer's daughter, the
Flowers o' the Forest, the
Galleons of Spain, the
Galloping Squire
Gilbert and Sullivan
God save the King
Golf, the royal game of
Grace, the
Gude gaun game o' curling
Hearts of Oak
Heather bees
H.M.S Pique
Hot stuff
Howe o' the Mearns
Irish schoolmaster, the
Jock o' Hazeldean
John Peel
John Silver, a ballad of
John Trot
Kinmont Willie
Lands across the sea
Let Erin remember
Lord Mayor's Own, the
Lydford Law
Men of Harlech
Miller of Devon, the
Nineveh, down the road to
Noble Earl of Salisbury
Old Angler's triumph, an
Old England
Old Navy, the
Old Superb, the
On the beach
Over the hills and far away
Parting song, the
Pater's bathe
Pedlar's Caravan, the
Peter Pan
Poacher, the
Private of the Buffs, the
Richard of Taunton Dean
Richmond Park
Road to Maresfield, the
Robin Hood, bold
Rover, the
Rule Britannia
St Valentine's day
Scots, wha hae
Scout Law, the
Scout song, the
Song of the Flag, a
South Country, the
Tigers, the
Tom Brown
Treasure Island
Try again
Wanderer's song, a
When all the world is young
Whistling tunes (22)
Widdecombe fair
Will ye no' come back again
Yarn of the deep blue sea, a
Yorkshire boy, a

In appendix
Sons of Britain
All patrols look out.