The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77412   Message #3349268
Posted By: Ged Fox
10-May-12 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Scout Songbooks Index PermaThread
Subject: Index: The Gilwell Camp Fire Book
Index: The Gilwell Camp Fire Book
UK – ed: Thurman & Hazlewood
Pub: C. Arthur Pearson 1957 (3rd impression 1965)
Camp fire songs, yells & activities with words & music as appropriate

Abdul the Bulbul Ameer
Ah poor bird
Ain't it grand
Algy met a bear
And so to Boy Scouts we say good night
A poor old man was crossing the road
Are you the O'Reilly
Askar Wa Wa
As the flames point upward
Bessie bought a bicycle
Bill Smith's bought a boat
Bravo bravissimo
Buffalo Bonzo
By the blazing council firelight
Chelsea Pensioners
Cock Robin
Comes the last of many days
Cub boots are big
Dahn a bit
Do as I do
Don't throw stones at your mother
Down at the station
Down at the harbour
Down by the lake
Down by the old mill stream
Father's picture
For health and strength
Found a peanut
Frere Jacques
Frog and steamroller
Frogs are croaking through the night
From out the battered elm tree
Ginger beer yell
Ging gang goo
Give us a lick
Goat dance
Going down the valley
Gone to bed is the setting sun
Grandmother's tea
Green and yellow
Guillotine yell
Hail, Hail, Scouting Spirit
Have you ever watched the camp fire
Head and shoulders
Here is an emblem
He wore an overcoat
Highly commendable
Hi Ho! Anybody home?
Hola hi
Hold him down, the Swazi warrior
Home on the range
Hunt the ring
I ain't going to grieve my Lord
I a poor man am
If there's any trouble just you smile
If you ever see a whale
I have lost the doh of my clarinette
Il etait un avocet
I'm a little tea pot
I met an engine
Imsey Wimsey spider
In Lucerne
I Spy
It's not too much use to grumble
I've got sixpence
Japanese "thank you"
Jean Baptiste
John Brown's baby
John Brown's flivver
John Brown, John Brown
Johnson boys
Jolly good show
Killi Killi Watch Watch
King of Caractacus
Land of the silver birch
Life is but a melancholy flower
Li'l Liza Jane
Little Johnny England
Living noughts and crosses
Logs burn
London's song
Love grows under the wild oak tree
McTavish is dead
Make new friends
Man's life's a vapour
Maori stick game
May the spirit of Scouting
Mary had a little lamb
Michael Finnigan
Munching mangoes
Music man
My father went to Paris
My hat it has three corners
My high silk hat
My mother bought me
My uncle he sells old clo'
Never let your braces dangle
Nobody loves me
Now is the hour
Nursery rhymes
Of the classics I am fond
O come and go with me
O give me a pack
Oh good
O! I say
O Jemima
Old MacDougal
Old Woman
O me taters
One bottle beer
One finger, one thumb
One fish ball
One plum duff
On mules we find to legs behind
O Politi
Pass the scissors
Paw paw patch
Pickle factory
Red River Valley
Rosen Fra Funn
Row row row
Sandy and the mill
Saturday night
Scouting trail
Scouts of the world
She sailed away
She was so good and kind to me
Shiver my timbers
Shoo fly, don't bother me
Sister Mary
Soap soap soap and towel
Softly falls the light of day
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Songs with an unexpected ending
Sons of the sea
Spreading chestnut tree
Tenderfoot Tim went to camp
The bear went round the mountain
The little bell of Westminster
The broon coo
The D.C.'s song
The Ferry
The noble Duke of York
The old chalet
The orderly song
There ain't no flies on us
There's a hole in my bucket
There was a bee
There was an old man whose name was Bill
There were three crows
There were three Jews
The wheel came off the hearse
They were only playing leap frog
This is my little scouting light
This old man
Three Blind mice
Three pirates came to London Town
Three wood pigeons
Train yell
Today is Monday
Tree upon the hill
Trek cart song
Trois compagnons
Two ducks on a pond
Twelve days of Christmas
Under the lilac
Was you ever saw
We are climbing Scouting's ladder
We are the red men
We push the damper in
We're all together again
We're out for gore
Westering home
When you come to the end of a Boy Scout day
We want the sunshine
Whisky Johnny
White sand and grey sand
Who hath smelt woodsmoke
Why did whale swallow Jonah
Why shouldn't my goose
With my hand on myself
Woad – or the National Anthem of the Ancient Britons
Wood and water, wind and tree
Woodpecker's hole
Yell: what goes round barrels?
You can dig my grave
Your baby has gone down the plug
Youth is calling