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Thread #144738   Message #3349440
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
11-May-12 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome back Boris
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome back Boris
"The last thing on the minds of Ed Millipede and his cronies is the welfare of the country. They stand for the Trade Unions who pay for their campaigns, and for the Labour Party which wants to control the population from cradle to grave."

I'd agree with most of that except the bit about the Trades Unions. When in power Labour did little to restore the Unions after Thatcher had decimated them.

Labour is now a centre right party which stands primarily for International Capital and the Free Market - and only marginally for the Trades Unions.

"[Labour] wimped out of forming a coalition, the first choice of the LibDems, because they knew that they could not deal with the deficit without alienating the public, and they preferred to dump their mess in Cameron's lap, so that the brickbats would come his way."

That's true as well (what the hell am I doing agreeing with Don!). As the Journalist, Mark Steel said in the 'Independent' the other day, Labour would be making the same cuts ... but, possibly, implementing them more slowly.

And Labour has achieved something else as well - destroyed the LibDems - the only vaguely centre left party we had left. It's not only Daily Mail readers who use their votes unwisely!