The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144636 Message #3349488
Posted By: GUEST,Ashley K. Howard
11-May-12 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: 2012 Obit: Aaron Cryan RIP
Subject: RE: Obit: Aaron Cryan RIP 28 April 2012
I am proud to say that I knew Arron for 20 years and he and I both had a love of Folk music/dance/tradition/drama etc etc. He was a great lad and as soon as I knew that he had passed-on I wanted to ring Mary & Mike but I just had no idea what to say. We parents have no right to outlive our kids, but Mary & Mike have to come to terms with this and I hope that in time the hurt that you both feel will ease. Having know both of you along with Aaron for all this time I know that you are both strong people and I trust that the love you have for each other will help you through these dark times and that the "Vital Spark" will shine in your life for ever. All my love to you both.