The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27279   Message #334981
Posted By: selby
05-Nov-00 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why not English tradition?
Subject: RE: BS: Why not English tradition?
England has tried to hard to become a multiracial society, to be fair and understanding of other people. Through this our music and culture takes a bit knock. As a folkie I cringe when people come back from trips abroad and tell me how they have experienced the tour reps culture night on their package holiday. But when I mention my family and I have danced as part of a morris side they start mentioning bells if music is mentioned they want to know if we can do Dueling Banjo's the Irish Washer Woman (which is an english tune but thought of as irish)and anything from riverdance.If songs are mentioned the fact I have beard I must have a fair isle jumper somwhere and sing songs with my finger in my ear. Our family still enjoy bonfire night & have good get together to burn the garden rubbish, our children know about Guy Fawkes and understand to some he is a hero and to other's a villan but more importantly know the story, people should remember that however we remember them their sacrifice was not in vain, there are perhaps a lot of people at the moment would love to do the same to our goverment of the moment Keith