The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144898   Message #3351816
Posted By: GUEST,olddude
16-May-12 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: Good Thoughts & Few Prayers please, 4 oldude's mom
Subject: RE: Good Thoughts & Few Prayers please, 4 oldude's mom
I never doubt the power of prayer, I don't ... Here is a true story of recent. My close friend in Wisconsin is 69. He has a kidney from his brother as he had total kidney failure. His wife Carol last fall saw he was acting wierd. They ran some tests, He had the kidney failing and beyond that he had a massive inoperable tumor on the brain. After a lot of docs they said he will not make it to Thanksgiving. The frontal lobe of the brain is gone and the kidney is barely working. No chemo, no treatment even from the Mayo Clinic. We prayed no matter what happened we prayed for what will be will be. February of this year, in bed dying, no longer able to speak, he woke up, walked into his wife and asked "what is this all about" feeding tube , diapers. She freaked, back to the Mayo Clinic, docs were speechless, test after test, no tumor, brain healed, terminal cancer none, kidney function, perfect. The doc told his wife Carol, this is medically impossible, we ran every test in the book, the brain tissue once destroyed as he had is terminal and can't be reversed but there is no sign of anything, nothing wrong. I talked to him this weekend, he was back at the firehouse (volunteer fireman) having fun with the guys and mowing the grass. prayer, miracles, they do happen .. I swear to God this is an absolutely true story ... you can talk to him if you don't believe me. sometimes God says no, sometimes as with Lazerus he says yes. Jerry is a man like my mom of great faith. I said goodbye to him last fall, now I talk to him like I talk to you ... He is amazing .. like my mom

Love you