The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56732   Message #3352670
Posted By: CapriUni
18-May-12 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Subject: RE: Mudcat Poetry Corner
Dean -- I thought maybe it was someone who had dropped their cookie (as long as you follow the five-second rule, though, it's all good!).

Um... "Your body may need crutches, but your imagination..."

Are you sure you didn't mean to type 'and' instead of 'but'? ;-)

EJ -- Thanks! These poems were actually inspired by four section-titles in a student's Masters thesis on Medieval literature that a friend of mine found online*:

The Monster Challenges Boundaries
Monster Questions Man-Made Classifications of Order
The Monster Creates Anxiety
The Monster's Role in Identity Formations

So the next one up is "Identity." And the one after that will be a wild-card, simply because something tells me this sequence need five for symmetry's sake (maybe to get to the quintessence?).

*The entire thesis is titled: When a Knight meets a Dragon Maiden: Human Identity and the Monstrous Animal Other; and it's in that paper I learned that there's an entire literary school of thought called "monster theory," which intrigues me... but not enough to go back to school...