The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16090   Message #3355762
Posted By: GUEST
25-May-12 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tarrytown / Wild Goose Grasses (Allison)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Tarrytown / Wild Goose Grasses (Allison)
My father sang this song to me but what I remember it as is:

In Tarrytown there did dwell, a lovely girl, I knew her well.
I courted her on bended knee, until she said that she would marrry me,
wide and deep, my grave will be, with the wild goose grasses growing over me.

then there was a verse about her marrying someone else and he dies of a broken heart and no one visits his grave and his grave is covered with wild goose grasses growing over him.

This has been an obsession of mine because I am missing my father so much and I need to find the words to this song!