The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144682   Message #3357252
Posted By: Stringsinger
30-May-12 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka--Contd...
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka--Contd...
"I've said it before and I will probably have to say it again, "You can't defeat creatoinism with bad science.""

But you can defeat it with the words of Richard Leakey who is a renowned scientist.
Creationism doesn't qualify as any kind of science and so is self defeating.

If this information has been around as has been alluded to and ignored, it says volumes about the specious arguments of Creationism.

Where is the bad science here?

Evolution is not a religion, regardless of how many times that lie is repeated.

It is a science in transition that is being used to find new evidence and breakthroughs in the scientific understanding of mankind as a species.

There may not be total unanimity about scientific studies, that's not the role of science,
but to ignore it entirely as the Creationists have done merits no consideration on their part as having a valid argument.