The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49846   Message #3357261
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Woolf
30-May-12 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: DT Attribution & Minor Corrections PermaThread
Subject: RE: DT Attribution & Minor Corrections PermaThread
Pity the Downtrodden Landlord

Filename [ LANDPITY

You may recall the search for the author of this song.

It was finally tracked down in Feb 07, when we found the original sheet music.


Here is the song in DT format :

(Lyric by Dr Barnet Woolf   Music by Arnold Clayton)

Please open your hearts and your purses
To a man who is misunderstood.
He gets all the kicks and the curses,
Though he wishes you nothing but good:
He wistfully begs you to show him
You think he's a friend, not a louse,
So remember the debt that you owe him,
The landlord who lends you his house.

So pity the downtrodden landlord,
And his back that is burdened and bent;
Respect his grey hairs, don't ask for repairs,
And don't be behind with the rent !

You are able to work for your living
And rejoice in your strength and your skill;
So try to be kind and forgiving
To a man whom a day's work would kill;
You can work and still talk to your neighbour,
You can look the whole world in the face,
But the landlord who ventured to labour,
Would never survive the disgrace

When thunder clouds gather and darken,
You can sleep undisturbed in your bed,
But the landlord must sit up and hearken,
And shiver, and wonder, and dread.
If you're killed, then you'll die in a hurry,
And you never will know your bad luck,
But the landlord is shaking with worry,
"Has one of my houses been struck?"

When a landlord resorts to eviction,
Don't think that he does it for spite;
He is acting from deepest conviction,
And what's right, after all, is what's right;
But I see that your hearts are all hardened,
And I fear I'm appealing in vain;
Yet I hope that my last plea will be pardoned,
If I beg on my knees once again .

© Workers' Music Association No. 9029


What needs changing on DT is the attribution, and deleting the query on the attribution of the second verse.