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Thread #136420   Message #3358460
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Jun-12 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
I don't really need to "get a fucking clue," Goofus. I've been quite adept at that activity since I was quite young, thank you.

But "thank you" reminds me. I really wish to express my gratitude to you for inspiring me to come up with a good idea as to how I, as an individual, may participate quite effectively in getting President Barack Obama re-elected.

I, like most people who have expressed an active interest in the world of politics, receive in my e-mail every morning a number of solicitations for donations to political causes, including, for example, opportunities to contribute to the campaign to recall Scott Walker, or donate to the campaigns of people I've never heard of. In some cases, I would make a donation, save for the fact that my wife and I are living (quite comfortably, in fact) on a somewhat limited income.

But there are other ways of contributing. For example, I receive requests for funds to finance the production and airing of various political messages. But—

It occurred to me that I can contribute in other ways than money. My services.

Not being part of a phone bank or any of the usual political campaign grunt work. I've done that, and I'm not really sure that it helps more than it hinders, what with potential voters resenting being interrupted by a political phone call.

But I have spent some years as a radio announcer, the news director at an ABC affiliate station (by the way, as a news director, I quickly learned to distinguish between a reliable source and someone who is trying to shit me), and I have done a lot of commercial production:   writing copy, and recording that copy, often complete with background music and sound effects. A LOT of it. It seems I have "The Voice," to the extent that some clients would ask for me specifically.

I haven't done much of this sort of thing for about thirty years. But I still know how it's done, and I still have the "voice."

When doing this, I was working for one radio station or another and was on salary. But there are people who make a career of this sort of thing free-lance—voicing commercials, doing "voice-overs" and narration for documentaries and such—and make WADS of money doing it.

Inspired by your abysmal ignorance, general tendency to be rude and vulgar, and your hatred of Obama and anything liberal or progressive, and the awareness that your "bully pulpit" is a bit limited—the three or four people here on Mudcat who actually read your screeds—I can more than counteract this sort of thing, and Right-Wing propaganda in general, by talking to, potentially, thousands, even millions of people all at once.

Political campaigns hire a lot of "voices" and voice-over talent to do their political announcements and commercial messages. And this talent charges a bundle for these services, which are paid for out of campaign funds donated or solicited from people such as me—usually $3.00 here and $10.00 there.

I could make a substantial dent in this kind of outlay of campaign funds, allowing the funds to be used for other purposes—if I were to donate my professional services as a "Voice—free of charge.

I have actually done a few things recently. A local church was trying to raise funds to build new, low cost or no cost housing for the homeless, and they did a promotional DVD to send around, and I was asked to do the voice-over, which I did. They sent me the script, I studied it, then they sent a fellow with portable recording gear to my home and we spent an afternoon recording it.

Not only could I donate my services, I could actually do it at home. I have the recording equipment (computer with capabilities, interface, a couple of very good studio quality microphones). Heck, someone could e-mail me a script, then I could record it, put it in WAV, mp3, or whatever format they want, and e-mail it back to them. No sweat!!

One of my local state legislators is a neighbor, and we both attend the same church. He's young, he's idealistic, and he's honest. And he's a Democrat. I will tell him what I have in mind and I'm sure he can tell me who to see and how to go about it.

Thank you, Goofus! My general disgust at your ranting, your ignorance, and your feeble attempts to be insulting has inspired me to do something to actively work to counteract the kind of Tea Potty negativism that you represent.

Don Firth

P. S.   Heck, when the election is over and Obama is safely in office for another term, hopefully with a more intelligent and cooperative congress, I may look up an agent and market my skills for some real money. There are a couple of good agents in town who have national contacts, and I'm already a member of AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), but if I'm going to do it commercially, I'll have to re-activate my membership.

Gee whiz! Maybe a whole new, highly lucrative career! Bloody brilliant!!