The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3358861
Posted By: Bobert
03-Jun-12 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Well, Don, when one doesn't really understand and/or accept facts then pissin' and moanin' is about all they can do...

The entire Tea Party is a gang of ignorant pissers and moaners...

I guess that explains GfinS...

As for LH??? This is just his sandbox... He brings his little shovel an' pail in here and moves sand piles from here to there spilling sand on everyone and everything... He knows better deep down inside but he made some kinda deal with the Devil to do what he does so he does it... His "Both Sides Shuffle", however, has gotten tiresome... He know better songs but plays it over and over to appease his bud, insanity...

And the beat goes on...
