The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121442   Message #3358931
Posted By: Janie
03-Jun-12 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Actual Birthday, Spaw!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Actual Birthday, Spaw!!!!!
Do hatchlings actually have birthdays?

I'm a bit cornfused as to whether today is your birthday or not, so I guess I'll post sumpin every day between now and say...June 9th?

Just keep fartin' around, luv, and I gather you don't particularly need a birthday supper of kale and pinto beans to do so - gawd, Karen is a saint, I say, a bonafide saint, but you can't tell it to look at her - hard to see the eyes when the person has to wear a gas mask when at home....