The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5742   Message #33605
Posted By: Cuilionn
29-Jul-98 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: Scottish lullabies, please
Subject: RE: Scottish lullabies, please
Th' song Big Mick was askin' aboot airlier... I cannae gie ye th' exact lyrics oor chordin' for it, but I can tell ye th' tune: Tis th' verra same ane usit for th' Gaelic song "Chi Mi Na Morbheanna," ("I will see the great mountains") which is on ane o' th' Rankin Family's recordin's an' sung by mony ithers. There mun be sheet music an' sic for this ane, but I'm no' sartain jist whaur tae direct ye, for I've nae been able tae find a hantle o' Gaelic sheet music mysel'. I dae hae my Gaelic choir director's arrangement o' it written oot, but 'tis set oot for fowr-pairt choir an' no' for instruments. Micht be able tae snail-mail it tae ye if ye cannae find anither source.

Gabh spòrs,
