The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3360777
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Jun-12 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Now that the ideologues have made this an issue, in light of the hearings, in Washington...and they have 'spun-tied' the hearings to politically based intentions, for the elections.....Let's talk about the present hearings on 'Fast and Furious'!..on the hidden agendas to funnel arms to the drug cartels in Mexico!...and then 'spin' it, to pretend they were doing a 'noble thing'!....and Holder being considered for being charged with contempt of Congress.

Wanna' deal with it?......or pretend that it's not happening, and is just some sort of Tea Party shenanigans?

You get all fired up about the massacres in Syria, and look the other way when it comes to Mexico...and the death toll is far greater, in Mexico than Syria....and this administration, is covertly funneling guns to the murderers!...under the pretext of finding out where they are going...AND to have an excuse to fraudulently attack another one of our guaranteed rights, under the Constitution, mainly the 2nd amendment!

Can't wait to hear the SPIN on this crap!