The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145318   Message #3361065
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jun-12 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lipitor, the multi-billion dollar drug
Subject: RE: BS: Lipitor, the multi-billion dollar drug
It's not "Lipitor", Q... It's statins... Pfizer did not discover statins... N.I.H. did... Pfizer monkeyed with the formula a tad and sold it as Lipitol...

My source: Dr. English, Harvard University who was on the Diane Rehm show some 15-20 years ago... I went out for a drive thruu lunch to take back to my office and ended up sitting in the car eating my lunch and listening to the entire interview...

BTW, your profit numbers don't jive... The ones you posted on the other thread, for which I thanked you for posting, showed Pfizer making $66B last year??? With Lipitor being the mother-ship of Pfizer and the tens of millions of America (taxpayers) paying $100 a month for it, the $200B over the life of this drug may be shy...

Yes, there are generics... Unfortunately, if you have insurance the cost of the generatics are excatly the same as Lipitor... Don't even ask me to recite my pharmacist's explanation...
