The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145344   Message #3361858
Posted By: Songwronger
10-Jun-12 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Subject: BS: President Romney
Normally I wouldn't have given milqetoast Romney a chance in the upcoming election, but it looks as if the media has been directed to turn on Obama. His administration will now be plagued with scandal and innuendo up to the election, and he will lose to Romney.

So what will a Romney administration be like? He's an ancient friend of Israel, so look for the jackass Joe Lieberman to become Sec of Defense or State. And Romney's an asset stripper, so he'll continue the work of killing the U.S. Post Office that Obama/Hastert began. Pension funds will be raided, social services will be shut down, none of Obama's god-like self-appointed powers will be repealed. It'll be like Reagan's "Imperial presidency" after Carter was one-termed.

Any thoughts?

McCain drafting resolution to call for special counsel on security leaks

Attorney General Eric Holder names attorneys to investigate leaks

McCain rejects Holder's leak probe, calls for outside counsel

And finally,the bitch slap.