The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137261   Message #3362249
Posted By: Jim Dixon
11-Jun-12 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Songs sung by Leslie Sarony
Subject: Lyr Add: BUNKEY-DOODLE-I-DOH (from Albert Whelan)
The University of Virginia has the sheet music. The following information is from their catalog:

Written by Leslie Sarony
London: Lawrence Wright Music Co., ©1929

I couldn't find an online recording by Leslie Sarony. I transcribed the following lyrics from a recording by Albert Whelan found at YouTube:

There was a little soldier who was going off to war.
He said, "I know what I'll do when I hear the cannons roar."
The sergeant had him on parade; the soldier's not to blame.
He went and stuck his bayonet in the sergeant's what's-'er-name.

Sergeant McGinty busted.
Gather up all the beets.

He went to see 'em change the guard and said to Captain Squirt:
"You don't know how to change the guard; you couldn't change your shirt."
He saw a pretty lady 'ome; he'd just come from a dance.
A bulldog flew at him and bit a lump out of his pants.

He said, "It's getting draughty."
Where do we go from 'ere?

I sang this little ditty to the natives of Madrid.
I then sang "Put Me in My Little Bed" and so they did.

Somebody threw tomatoes.
Didn't remove the tin.

He said, "If I can't fight, I'll run;" his ruin was complete.
The enemy surrounded him and cut off his retreat.

When he got home to Blighty,
What did he tell his wife?

That soldier boy has had his day.
He's getting old and very grey.
He's just begun to fade away.
Old soldiers never die.

[There is also a recording by Jack Hylton and his Orchestra which seems to have a few more verses, but the recording was less distinct, so I didn't attempt to transcribe the lyrics.]