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Thread #136420   Message #3362658
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
12-Jun-12 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Hmmm....sounds like Obama is under a LOT of heat, theses days....I guess some 'genius' will figure out, "Hey, maybe we should bet Hillary to run"....and then you think, "Hmmm, good idea..good ol' Hillary should have run last least she's like Obama, but not as careless..she might have a shot at it, at least she's got a better chance at Romney!"
...and then some old wise fart tells you. "A vote for Hillary, would in essence, be like voting for George Bush again!!".....and of course, the old fart would be right....but what a lot of the 'so-called liberals' never flashed, was so was voting for Obama!....What's changed?
Both had the house of Congress and the Senate, and BOTH did the EXACT same thing...down to the outrageous spending spree, the wars, taxes, printing more money, bailouts...more Federal tell me!!..I'm all ears...but while your typing, see if things said about Bush aren't the EXACT same things said about Obama....Hey!..I thought they were supposed to be different parties....weren't they???