The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145375   Message #3363048
Posted By: gnu
13-Jun-12 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Subject: RE: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
"The real reason for the War of 1812 and the War of Independence goes back to the Seven Years War in which the British signed treaties with the Native Americans which restricted westward expansion. The British fully intended to honour those Treaties the Americans were anxious to break them, so Les from Hull is right - War of 1812 was an attempted land grab..."

Fully intended to honour those treaties??? Well, I got a different story regrding our Native brothers and how the Brits manipulated them and the Yanks but I can't support it. Who waged war against the Native Americans? Who owned the big "Yank" companies? the banks? the railroads? the mines? the agriculture? Who wages war in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and anywhere else the Brits feel the need to to this day? The Brits are masters at warfare... whether it's by bullet or coin... or both.

Am I rambling? grasping at straws? Or do my postulations and conspiracy theories merit consideration? Dismiss them as you may but don't be too rash in doing so.