The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145375   Message #3363053
Posted By: Les from Hull
13-Jun-12 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Subject: RE: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Does anybody actually believe that the USA 'won' the war of 1812? The war, started by the USA, ended without any of their war aims being gained, their economy wrecked and a third of their navy lost.

All a British sailor in an American port had to do was appear before a Justice of the Peace (or equivalent) and tell him he was American he could get a piece of paper with his name and description which he could use to avoid service in the Royal Navy. And he could do this in any other port and get more of them to sell to other English sailors of similar description who had never even seen America. If we regard those poor impressed 'Americans' as draft dodgers at best and traitors at worst you might understand the feeling in the Royal Navy.

I don't want to defend the system of impressment - it was conscription at a time when conscription was not the normal system. But if you went to sea you know you were liable to serve in the navy in time of war.