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Thread #145375   Message #3363114
Posted By: gnu
13-Jun-12 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Subject: RE: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
For me, it's simple because I don't know enough of the real history. The MPBN (PBS) TV program taught me a lot, but, a two hour documentary doesn't explain the "simple" things that matter to me in addition to what I learned.

Just once more (yeah, I hear youse all saying "Bullshiut gnu!" and yer prob'ly right)... the rich subjugate the poor. The War of 1812 was orchestrated by a bunch of rich Brits and Yanks to get richer. The Brits signed the treaties because they couldn't spare the troops to take out the Native Americans due to that short guy running amok in Europe. They needed to buy time and to buy an ally in persuing that goal. They eventually supplied a lot of troops to the Yanks to do just that... how many bodies did they supply to General Custer et al? from Garryowen In Glory?

In any case, like I said above, I really don't have support for any of my ramblings or conspiracy theories so I'll just say another of my "theories" again... the Brits?... don't fuck with the Brits.

Of course, I will also say again, I am happy to be on their "side" in the Commonwealth.