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Thread #145375   Message #3363137
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Jun-12 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Subject: RE: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Well, let's see. The US has been in ROK since 1953; the forces there have been steadily decreased and the plans currently are to bring everyone "home" -- this is under the UN command, by the way, and other nations also have troops there.

Japan, well, yes, there are US bases there and they work with the Japanese Defense Forces (my nephew was stationed there a couple years ago and a cousin-in-law is on his way there). There is talk of closing US bases there, but the Japanese government is leery of it.

Haiti -- there are no US bases there. Troops went in under the UN a couple of times recently.

Cuba -- Gitmo, on a 100 year lease that should expire one of these days. Other than Gitmo the US doesn't have bases in Cuba.

Dominican Republic -- no US bases there.

Philippines -- no US bases there (Subic Bay and Clark AFB were closed quite some years ago).

Nicaragua -- no US bases.

Panama Canal Zone -- I don't know if we still have bases there, but it's a self-governing country. DON'T piss me off by bringing up Reagan!

Falkland Islands -- no US troops or bases there; we gave them to the Brits in 1832.