The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145375   Message #3363140
Posted By: Ed T
13-Jun-12 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Subject: RE: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Japan, well, yes, there are US bases there and they work with the Japanese Defense Forces (my nephew was stationed there a couple years ago and a cousin-in-law is on his way there). There is talk of closing US bases there, but the Japanese government is leery of it.

Haiti -- there are no US bases there. Troops went in under the UN a couple of times recently.

Cuba -- Gitmo, on a 100 year lease that should expire one of these days. Other than Gitmo the US doesn't have bases in Cuba.""Attempted Intervention""

Dominican Republic -- no US bases there.""Intervention""

Philippines -- no US bases there (Subic Bay and Clark AFB were closed quite some years ago).""Marcos""

Nicaragua -- no US bases.""Intervention""

Panama Canal Zone -- I don't know if we still have bases there, but it's a self-governing country. DON'T piss me off by bringing up Reagan!""OK""

Falkland Islands -- no US troops or bases there; we gave them to the Brits in 1832. ""Sheep""