The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145344   Message #3363184
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jun-12 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Subject: RE: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
If you have any source that puts So5ros ahead of the Kochs then please PM Don with it and if it passes muster with him he will relate it...

I don't have time for your right winged bloggers... I deal with thousands of them every week at the Washington Post and they all are paid operate LIARS who sound just like your sources...


When will you ever learn to get beyond the first 50 pages in th4e search engines??? The first 50 pages are all LIES!!! All of them... LIES!!!

You still don't get it, do you???

Yo are such a corporate dupe...

No offesnse...

But you are... I could sell you ice in Alaska...

Get your head outta right wing blogs...

Bye until you you have facts... Not LIES...

Don't have time for LIES and LIARS...
