The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145375   Message #3363366
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
14-Jun-12 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
Subject: RE: BS: War of 1812 on PBS 2012.06.12 9PM ADST
"I see both of the wars with the UK as family feuds more than wars." - Kendall

The "Revolutionary War" or the "War of Independence" was an out and out land grab seized upon by Louis XVI of France as an excuse to attack Britain. This "family feud" as you consider it went "global" very quickly, with France, Spain and The Netherlands getting involved, fighting ranged throughout the world and it was as a result of this that the foundations for what became known as the British Empire were laid. Britain lost thirteen colonies and gained the world, "the sprat to catch the mackerel", at the end of it all of America's allies were ruined, Louis ultimately lost his head because of the financial ruin he had visited on his country. The Dutch never seriously challenged British supremacy at sea again.

The "War of 1812" another opportunistic land grab by rapacious "in-comers" launched while the Americans thought the British were too occupied elsewhere fighting against Napoleon (who was not short for the age) at 5' 6" he was of average height. The only thing on this occasion the Americans did not figure on the skill, courage and determination of the Canadians and the native tribes they faced. The US militia men were absolutely terrified of the latter. Unfortunately for the Americans 1812 marked the pinnacle of Napoleon's power, from the time they started their "War", the tide against them and Napoleon was only ever going to flow one way.