The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145344   Message #3363398
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Jun-12 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Subject: RE: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Well, Don, I'm suggesting that people might better talk about politics itself if that's what they want to do, rather than slagging off each other personally instead. I sometimes do post my political opinions, provide links to commentary by people like Rachel Maddow or Eric Margolis, whatever comes to mind at the time, and I am interested in whatever people have to say of substance about the political scene, but what use are all these personal attacks that people launch on each other's character on these threads?

If this place was moderated the way most forums are, it wouldn't be allowed.

It's not as bad as Youtube here, at least. I gather that's because most of the participants here are a bit older than the average age on Youtube. But are they really that much more mature or have they just learned a more sophisticated form of language to use when denigrating each other over differences of opinion?