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Thread #145344   Message #3363405
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Jun-12 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Subject: RE: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
GfS - Hilarious! Obama's ad slamming McCain over the economy in 2008 and Romney's ad slamming Obama over the economy in 2012 are identical in format and style and even use the same portentous, scary music!!! LOL!

They may have been created by the very same advertising agency for the very same price for all we know...and why should those people care whether it's McCain or Obama they're picking on? They're getting paid well to design the attack ad, right? And it works on a lot of the gullible schmucks out there in TV-land, right? It plays on the frustrations of a public who sense they're been betrayed for the last 4 years....just like they were betrayed for the previous 8 years (by Bush), and the previous 8 years before that (by Clinton), and the previous 4 years before that (by Bush I), etc....

But people's memories tend to be short. So their anger naturally focuses on the most recent betrayal and the face they associate with that betrayal. And thus the attack ad is designed to play on their frustration and focus their rage on an easily identifiable target...Obama in this case.

Presidents are just disposable men in suits. They're all temporary. They are not the magic solution to the world's problems. They're not supermen. It's the financial/military/police system behind them that has the power, not the little men in suits...Obama and Romney.

The system behind them understands the use of propaganda and has spent many decades studying how to push people's buttons, tap into their fear and anger, and get them to rush to the barricades like lemmings behind yet another presidential "messiah".

Those kind of ads are a crude and primitive way of harnessing people's fear and anger so they'll briefly get enthusiastic again and back another empty suit of a man like Romney...their new supposed "messiah" who will somehow make it all right. Not a chance. Obama couldn't make it all right, and neither can Romney, but the system behind them doesn't care, it just plays the game as it always plays the game, and it has the guns, the bombs, the police, the jails, the surveillance, the jets, the has the tools of violence in place, and is willing to use them.

The Big Charade now rolls through to November. I wonder how outrageous it will get this time before it's done?

(Note, people, that the above comments criticize the existing social order and the existing governmental order. They do not criticize any individuals on this forum nor are they a personal attack upon individuals on this forum.)