The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142631   Message #3363652
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
15-Jun-12 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: Jane's Rainbow: for all needing support & comfort
Subject: RE: Healing thoughts & prayers please (Nigel Paterson)
ChanteyLass, Kat & always manage to say the right thing just when I need to hear it most. I agree, CL, quantifying my/our needs is not an exact science. Our current situation seems to revolve around two 'criteria': Stability & our take on Normality. Thinking of Jane first, her condition is 'stable', in as much as the spread of her cancer has been halted & she is able to engage in about 80% (her oncologist's estimate) of what she would recognise as 'normal living'. If I 'triage' that against Dean's situation & our Dear Kat, my feeling is that, in the here & now, our 'needs' are of a lower order & I am beginning to feel unsettled about distracting folk from other, more acute threads. However, quoting Kat: "So, I say dip yer oar in wherever or sit back and's all good and no limits!" So true Kat, so true. The fact that You could write that, whilst having to deal with Fibromyalgia, fills me with awe & wonder. Your selflessness is a true measure of your character.
          Ann & I are so fortunate to have you all as Dear & Trusted Friends,
          With Love,
                         Nigel & Ann.