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Thread #136420   Message #3363895
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
15-Jun-12 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Frothus: "Lately I've been discounting what people quote from the Huffington Post. Recently it's been using some of the same writers who write for the WND newsletter (World Net Daily), which is an internet rag somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan............
The Huffington Post must have recently taken a giant step to the Right—or Arianna is not minding the store."

The Huff-Post was always thought to be 'left'...but if they run an article that is reporting on stuff that is going on, behind the scenes, which exposes certain elements of what is going on...WHAT??..Now they're on the 'right'???...or are they seen as blaspheming the 'messiah'!..I commend them on reporting relevant stories that others are not! Do you recommend the 'unbiased drivel' on NBC???..or MSNBC??..Fox??.....NPR??....or whoever spins the direction that makes you deliriously dizzy??

Why not just report the 'news' the way it is, and the hell with 'Does this 'news source' lean to the right or the left....just tell me the fucking truth!