The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145331   Message #3363992
Posted By: frogprince
15-Jun-12 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Frog prince thoughts and prayers for my wife
Subject: RE: Frog prince thoughts and prayers for my wife
Judy again spent all afternoon sitting up, now with just a nose clip for oxygen; still a jungle of wires to stick-on sensors. Calmer today, and with only very incidental coughing. Her mental state is still a mixed bag. She knows everyone fine, and socializes as normally as possible with the conditon of her throat. But she can't be trusted alone, except in bed with a bed alarm, for fear she will try to get up and walk, which is still out of the question for multiple reasons.
Her swallowing is "iffy", and it's impossible to get a through exam of her throat without anesthesia, so all she can take by mouth for now is fine ice chips, a very few at a time. They're trying to determine by Monday whether they will have to put a direct feeding tube into her stomach for a while.