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Thread #145222   Message #3364623
Posted By: Don Firth
17-Jun-12 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can we afford Democracy?
Subject: RE: BS: Can we afford Democracy?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul on the same ticket!??

Well, for one thing, it's never going to happen. Dennis Kucinich is a progressive Democrat and Ron Paul is a very conservative Republican—actually, a closet Libertarian.

Dennis Kucinich, yes.

But Ron Paul? Yes, he says he'll stop the wars, but that comes, not from the same motives that Kucinich has, but because of his embracing of the principles of Ayn Rand. Rand is basically an isolationist, and although I can agree with the result (stopping the endless round of foreign entanglements that lead nowhere, cost enough to bankrupt the country [one of the major factors in the financial straits we're in now] and bringing the troops home), I can NOT agree with the philosophy of isolationism that inspires it.

It was that kind of isolationism that kept the United States out of World War II until the Germans and the Japanese had conquered so much of the world that the Allies came damned close to loosing it!

Bush--not Obama--got us involved in the Middle East. When 9-11 occurred, Bush responded by attacking Iraq, despite the fact that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with it, and didn't get along at all with Osama bin Laden. That's as if, when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese in 1941, Roosevelt had responded by invading Brazil!!

Ron Paul would pull us out of the UN and NATO. Not a good idea!!

GfS, you may like Ron Paul because he wants to stop the wars, but you are ignoring 1) the motives from which his desire springs, and 2) what's in the rest of the Ron Paul package. That's as short-sighted as advocating the freeing of a homicidal maniac because he always pays for the beer—before he tries to cut your throat.

You can't just cherry-pick, GfS, you have to consider the WHOLE PACKAGE.

And you keep accusing US of being "loony" and "brain washed!"

Learn something about politics and the philosophical foundations upon which the various political positions.

For God Sake, man, READ A BOOK!!

Don Firth

P. S. By the way, if you think writers of fiction have no influence on political movements, then you don't properly appreciate the effect that writers like Charles Dickens had on such things as child labor laws (Oliver Twist, a work of fiction). And one helluva lot more people read Sinclair Lewis's Babbit, the novel that won Lewis the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1930, than ever read Thorstein Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class.

Like I said, READ A BOOK!! Read SEVERAL books!!!