The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27432   Message #336492
Posted By: Sourdough
08-Nov-00 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
Subject: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
I would very much like to get a cavalry shirt of the Civil War period style. Perhaps it is called a Dragoon shirt. It is of the style that veterans took with them after the war when they moved west and are often thought of as cowboy shirts.

They have a double line of buttons, each running up one side of the shirt so tha the front (plaque? plaquette?) can be opened to let in air. It seems to me to be a very sensible riding shirt and has a sense of style.

I did find one, a cheap cotton version, that doesn't fit well and I realized, too late, that I really wanted a woolen version.

Perhaps there is a company or companies that some of you re-enactors can recommend from experience as having a good product at a fair price.
