The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145331   Message #3365902
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Jun-12 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Frog prince thoughts and prayers for my wife
Subject: RE: Frog prince thoughts and prayers for my wife
Hey there Dean and Judy!

"When you think how depressingly slowly you climb, it's best to remember that Things Take Time." Grooks I by Piet Hein A very important book!

We now realize that it took Robin near a year to come back to himself after a simple concussion and subdural hematoma. He appeared to be functional but it was not as his optimal level. I laughed at the cognitive testing. "Oh, he's fine." Sure he was fine - for someone average but not for someone with a Mensa IQ who has quick mind.

Judy's "testing" will only show progress. It is a measure of where she is right now, now where she will be next month or next year. Now that we know how well the brain can heal, and rewire itself, we can live with tons of hope for the future.

I have read two excellent books: My Stroke of Luck by Kirk Douglas and My Stroke of Insight by (internet quit). Another one by two doctors/brothers about their father's recovery was full of good stuff but the name escapes my at the moment. These guys used amazing strategies to help father regain his abilities.

"I dwell in possibilities..." Emily Dickinson

I know you have faith. Be HOPE also.
We will be thinking of you - Friday nights at the Cafe, at Apple Hollow and other times also!