The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145344   Message #3366908
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Jun-12 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Subject: RE: BS: President Romney (prediction only)
Little Hawk: "Most soldiers are capable of developing some respect for their human adversaries, because they too are human. Machines aren't. When you remove the human moral sense from the equation, you have essentially removed all hope from the equation as far as I can see. Welcome to the end of life and liberty as we once knew it."

When they use the argument, just as you framed it, and others argue in favor of weapons that are 'safe' to the aggressor, what separates that argument for machines, and chemical or biologicals?

The first conflict to win, is in the hearts and minds of the people....NOT to an ideology or partisan way of thinking, but the recognition that we are all humans, and therefore ONE, that is before we turn over our thought processes to the thoughts and wishes of someone else....and why some are in favor of drones, chemicals, newer faster death tools, is because some have allowed others to do their programming into them....and therefore killing, as Little Hawk says, "Most soldiers are capable of developing some respect for their human adversaries, because they too are human."....The more people lose their respect for other humans, the more war seems like a plausible tool to achieve your goals.
A truly defensive war may be a bit different...but we haven't had one of those in a long time...and now, people are thinking they are going to have to be defensive, toward our own government....ANY CLUES ANYONE???? Somebody has gotten 'out of hand'...and got you to cheer them on, for one stupid reason or another. Not look how far we've come, but how far we lost touch.
Rethink all this...rethink what we say, and why...and who told you to nurture fear, loathing and discontent....the same people who control the need to make a working livelihood...SAME PEOPLE...the same people that get us to divert the dialogue AWAY from them, and onto us, each other.
The 'people' don't want to wage war, not on each other, here or domestically...but then why are we afraid? Who told you to be afraid??
Who told you WHO to be afraid of?....when, if you were clear of any fear, or aggression toward your fellow humans because of peace in you, you probably won't project your hostilities into 'them'.
The divisions and hate, fear and desperation, toward your fellow neighbor must NOT be entertained nor nurtured.
Remember the saying, "Suppose they threw a war, and nobody came" much power, would those people have who needs you, and me, to encourage divisions, hostilities and war upon each other??....NONE!....Then we would not have to fear them....but then, they couldn't control us either!!!

God Bless You Little Hawk!
Highest Regards!!!