The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142631   Message #3366963
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
23-Jun-12 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: Jane's Rainbow: for all needing support & comfort
Subject: RE: Healing thoughts & prayers please (Nigel Paterson)
It's been six days since I last posted, but it feels twice as long as that. I've spent three of those six days with my GP & two Diabetic Nurse Specialists. We weren't cohabiting, but it did seem as if I was spending a disproportionate amount of my time at the clinic! The initial diagnosis has been revised 'up' & it has been suggested that I start getting used to the fact that Type 2 could become Type 1 sooner rather than later. That news took a bit of digesting...went through a range of emotions, ranging from anxious & scared to bloody angry! It's now Saturday & acceptance is knocking on my door. It is only a gentle knock at present, but acceptance is the only way to go.
          I've missed your company, your wise, comforting words, your humour...Bruce, ChanteyLass, Wendy, Spaw, kat, gnu, Pete, Janie, Dean, Dan & everyone else who voyages with us. Singling out individuals is a perilous task, but Bruce's post of 22nd June has touched me very deeply. Several of us have exchanged emails, where we have been able to share intimacies that can only be shared one to one. Intensely personal aspects & moments from our precious.
          Lest we forget, the lady for whom this thread was started, our Darling Jane, remains stable, no further spreading of the cancer & the lung tumours appear to be shrinking. We really don't know whether 'cure' is a word we dare think of, let alone utter, but she has energy & a sense of purpose & is living her life much as she always has done. In January, when she received her diagnosis, everything about her changed. Jane was still called Jane, but the Jane we knew & loved was in a dark & frightening place. Now, the sun shines from her face once again...still taking things a day at a time, but with a hint of 'lightness' that was not apparent before.
          Time, I think, to conclude this Saturday Digest. Ann & I send our Love to You all, hoping that Life is treating you kindly & that you will continue to voyage with us,
                            With Love,
                                           Nigel & Ann