The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3850   Message #33670
Posted By: Tim Jaques
29-Jul-98 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Barb'ry Allen
I'll post it here instead. I didn't say that it was a Gaelic version of Barbara Allen, BTW, I said it was a song in Gaelic sung to the tune of Barbara Allen.

There is no translation given with this, but is from the singing of a man named Alexander Kerr, North River Ridge, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada The note says:

"The bard of this song re-visits the island of Mull where he was brought up, and finds only empty and desolate homes, evidence that the people have been cleared from the land to make way for English sheep. His final verse asks the younger generation of Gaels not to let their language decline further, even though the old Gaels have gone."

No indication if the words met the tune in Scotland or in Cape Breton.

I hope that I have typed it correctly. Chorus the same tune as the verses. Anyone want to have a bash at translating, feel free.)


CHORUS: O, teannaibh dluth is togaibh fonn,
Mo chridhe trom air m'aineol;
'S mi fad o eilean nan damh donn,
'S bho thir nan glean 's nan gallan

1. O, bheir an t-soiridh so nis bhuam
Thar chuan is cruach is beannaibh
A dh'ionnsaidh Muile nam beann fuar
O, eilean uaine bharraich.

2. Sud a Righ, nach mi bha thall
An tir nan gleann's nam bealach
Tir nan craobh, sud tir mo ghaoil
Nan lagan fraoich is rannaich

3. Sud na glinn's am faighte 'n aoidh
Gach roinn chum taobh na mara
Tha luchd mo ghaoil an diugh na sgaoil
'S nan aite caoraich Shasunn.

4. Tha 'n diugh gun tigh, gun sgrath, gun chruib
Gun cloich o's cionn na starsnaich
Tha leac-an-teinntein air fas fuar
Le coinntich ruaidh tighinn thairis.

5. Is truagh a'Ghaidhlig bhi na cas
O'n dh'fhalbh na Gaidheil a bh'againn
A ghineil oig tha tighinn nan ait
O togaigh ard a bratach