The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145531   Message #3367018
Posted By: Rapparee
23-Jun-12 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 of 48
Subject: RE: BS: Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 of 48
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Monsignor William Lynn helped the Archdiocese of Philadelphia keep predator-priests in ministry, and the public in the dark, by telling parishes their priests were being removed for health reasons and then sending the men to unsuspecting churches, prosecutors argued in a landmark clergy-abuse trial.

A jury agreed, making Lynn the first U.S. church official branded a felon for covering up abuse claims.

Good. And in the Sandusky case, let's not forget that there was testimony from those who were adults at the time.